
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Science the Moon & Back!

I apologize that this is our first blog, however, we have been EXTREMELY busy in the classroom! 

I do want to share what fun we have had. We had so much fun learning about the moon. I wanted to show the world our moon projects. 

The kids did a 
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S job! After we learned all we could about the moon, we created moons with a few ingredients (black paint, soap, water, and Karo syrup.) We mixed all of that up in a bowl and had fun!

To make the craters of the moon, the kids got to make bubbles by blowing into the mixture with a straw. Then we placed a paper plate over the mixture...and voila! Just like magic you have a moon. Then, the kids wrote about the moon and we presented these wonderful moon projects on a black sheet of paper. I am so proud of my students...they are fantastic!

I have not taken pictures of the final project. I will soon! For now, they are displayed in the hallway.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Flat Stanley & Flat Summer





Brown Bag Book Club

The Brown Bag Book Club has been a success!! The students absolutely love it. During the week, the students have an opportunity to create a brown bag that goes with our story. They are allowed to work on it whenever they are finished with any work. Every Friday, after we take our tests, the students bring their brown bag to the circle and we discuss different parts of the book. It is an open discussion and there are no right or wrong wonderful is that? In their bags, I place snacks for them to enjoy as we discuss the book! 

Sometimes I have found some excellent discussion activity sheets for them to complete and paste on one side of the bag but other times I have created my own activity sheets that go on their bags to fit our story. On one side they paste the discussion sheet. On the other side, they draw their favorite part of the story. Here are some examples of the brown bags that the students have created....I must say I have some brilliant students!

Mrs. Crain

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Flat Stanley Begins...

Hello All! Our Class is beginning a new adventure. We have two new friends...Flat Stanley & Flat Summer. They were flattened by a bulletin board- so sad! But the good news is they can travel anywhere in the world in an envelope! Our Flat Stanley & Flat Summer will leave for their new adventures this week. Summer is going to! Stanley is going to Murfreesboro, TN- where I went to college! They both will learn new things about our country while visiting elementary school students. We can't wait to see what their adventure will bring! We will also be receiving a Flat Stanley from Hawaii & one from Murfreesboro. We will be sure to teach them about our community and Germantown pride! Keep track of their adventures on our blog. Here is a picture that we are sending along with our new friends...Notice...Stanley and Summer in my hands...very tiny! :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Check out our pumpkin pictures....

We have been so busy this semester! Please enjoy the following pictures. These are just a few of my favorites. You can see all of the pictures on our website. We have had so much fun learning. We decorated pumpkins for our Fall party and we created characters from our favorite books! 


      We sure do miss Xavier....he went to a new school.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2nd 9 weeks!!

Hi friends and family! It is already the 2nd 9!! I can't believe it. We have been so busy that I haven't blogged since August. I will try to blog more this 9 weeks.

I hope everyone has had a great fall break. My husband and I visited St. Louis for our 1st anniversary. We had a great trip! I would like to hear what you all did for for fall break....Please comment on this post and share what you did. I can't wait to hear!!

Here is a picture of my husband, Chris, and I at the arch. Now, it is your turn...please share about your fall break...(p.s. I think you have to log in to google to comment.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thank you for all of the donations of paper & toys that we have received! A big high five! :)