
Sunday, October 23, 2011

2nd 9 weeks!!

Hi friends and family! It is already the 2nd 9!! I can't believe it. We have been so busy that I haven't blogged since August. I will try to blog more this 9 weeks.

I hope everyone has had a great fall break. My husband and I visited St. Louis for our 1st anniversary. We had a great trip! I would like to hear what you all did for for fall break....Please comment on this post and share what you did. I can't wait to hear!!

Here is a picture of my husband, Chris, and I at the arch. Now, it is your turn...please share about your fall break...(p.s. I think you have to log in to google to comment.)


  1. Abby went to Orange Beach for Fall Break. We swam in the ocean and the outdoor and indoor pools. We went to ShrimpFest where they had live music, craft booths, games and a lot of food - especially SHRIMP. We saw the Blue Angels practice their air show and it was really cool. Our grandparents came with us to the beach. They live in Columbus, Ohio. We hope you had a fun Fall Break too!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun!! Thank You for being the first one to share! :)

  3. William and his family drove almost 2400 miles during fall break! We visited special friends who are in the States for a few months. We stayed with them for a few days in Richmond, VA and then toured DC for a couple days. We saw the Lincoln Memorial, the new Martin Luther King Memorial, visited the House of Representatives and the Senate Galleries at the Capitol, and saw the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Our next stop was Philadelphia where William was born. We just had fun there eating at our favorite places and sliding down the giant wooden slide! Finally we had a reunion with over 80 friends this past weekend in Lancaster County. We were there for two nights and played lots of games, sang songs, listened to stories and even made s'mores over a campfire. It was cold! We are glad to be home!

  4. Sounds like William's family had a FUN vacation! I have never been to D.C. but sure would love to go.Thank you for sharing!
